Sports Massage

Sports Massage Toronto

The advantage of Sports Massage Therapy is that it can be customized to the requirements of the individual based on the kind of sports he or she practices. Athletes and sportspeople often use Sports Massage Therapy to achieve different objectives. Sports Massage can serve as an effective method of preparation before the beginning of any sporting activity.  It is being increasingly being integrated into training regimens as well as being used as a post-performance recovery and rehabilitation technique.

As a method of preparing for a sporting tournament, Sports Massage Therapy can enhance flexibility, reduce susceptibility to stress-related injuries, improve endurance and promote optimal levels of physical fitness and mental concentration to achieve peak performance. Your Registered Massage Therapist can administer the massage targeted at specific muscles and parts of the body most suited to your sport in order to stimulate and encourage flexibility and elasticity.

The massage employs a combination of stretching and rolling techniques which prepares the body for the strenuous limits to which it may be pushed during a highly competitive and important tournament. Studies have shown that professionally administered Sports Massage can not only stimulate specific muscles and ligaments of your body so that they are in an ideal performance mode and therefore prevent muscle cramps or ligament pulls from happening but also improve blood circulation and raise physical and mental alertness to deliver better results.

In the case of collision sports such as football, basketball or hockey where participants are constantly exposed to the danger of injuries, Sports Massage plays a significant role in the recovery and rehabilitation process by complementing other recuperative techniques and medicines and boosting the body’s natural immune system.

Some of the key benefits of Sports Massage are:

–          Improvement in the range of motion and in rapid reflex movements;

–          Increased flexibility and elasticity of body parts and muscles;

–          Raised endurance levels to prevent stress related injuries;

–          Strengthening of muscles to prolong performance and reduce fatigue.

Many physical trainers are increasingly including Sports Massage Therapy as an integral part of training for all kinds of sporting activities.

In consultation with your training regimen and sporting activities, your Ace Physio Registered Massage Therapist can prescribe a range of preventive and remedial Sports Massage sessions that can improve your overall performance levels.

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